Wikimedia NYC Fiscal Year 2019–2020 Metrics Report

Report Summary

Report scope (Dashboard campaign(s)): Wikimedia NYC: Simple APG 2019-2020
Number of events 44
all editorsnew editors2returning new editors3
event attendancesabsolute numbers 805287204
per event, on avg.
unique editors1absolute numbers 61927710
per event, on avg.5 n/a6.30.23
1)counting each editor only once, even if attending more than one event
2)subset of all editors
3)editors recruited within the report scope who attended more than one event; subset of new editors
4)includes first attendances by new editors who would later go on to return to another event
5)effectively the number of such editors recruited per event

Graphical Attendance Overview

Event Details

total number of programs: 44